A man is crawling through the dry, dry desert.
He has no protection from the burning sun.
He seems to be on the brink of death.

At that point, he sees his salvation! A huge can of Magic
appears before him, some distance away. The can
is see-through, like a hazy dream. It's a mirage.

The man grasps at the can, but, alas! He cannot seize
the illusion. His last amount of strength leaves him,
and he falls down, lifeless, on the glowing sand.

A miracle occurs! The man comes to life again.
He looks healthy, and he’s lying in a lush garden,
surrounded by green grass and flowers. A shiny
being with wings stands before him. Is it an angel?

The being gives something wonderful to the thirsty man: a can
of Magic! The man drinks, and is filled with health and life.

But his face assumes an expression of worry. He looks
up at the winged being and asks: ”Am I dead?”

”No.” the celestial entity replies, with an
angelic smile. ”You are in a coma.”

Cut to the hospital, where our protagonist is indeed in
a coma, connected to life-supporting machines.

The doctor takes a sip of Magic, and puts
down the can on the table. Packshot!