We are in a dream version of a shoreless Polar Sea. Above
us, a pitch-black sky, only disturbed by over-sized, flickering
stars. Comet-like tails encircle these huge celestial bodies.
A man is clinging to a small iceberg, adrift in the cold,
dark sea, surrounded by huge, threatening ice
mountains. Two of these mountains crash into each
other, and crumble majestically into the ocean.
Then the darkness around the man disappears, and instead
a strange light surrounds him. Mystically, he dives up, into the air.
We are in a dream version of a Desert, which spreads out in
all directions, seemingly endless. The sun is enormous in the
gauzy white sky, and scorches the land with its merciless rays.
Here and there are gigantic stones, vibrating from the heat.
Two stones crack open, and burning lava oozes out. A woman
lies on the hot sand, apparently on the brink of death.
Then an eerie light appears around the woman,
and, mystically, she dives up, into the air.
In the air — in the twilight where day and night meet —
the man and the woman float straight towards
one another. They are drawn together by
a strong, incomprehensible force.
They hug each other tight, as though they have been apart
for eternities, and will never let themselves be separated again.
Weightless, they soar like a unity, holding each other as close
as possible, revolving slowly through the boundless empty sky.
They drift through the emptiness, away from the camera,
and get smaller and smaller until they disappear.
Still embracing hard, in a Close Up of their faces close
together, they open their eyes at the exact same time,
look at each other and smile. They are in bed. It is morning.
Packshot of two cans of Magic standing on the bedside table.