This is an incomplete compilation of the oeuvre of Gregori Aminoff (1883-1947).

If you have questions or information that might be of value, please send an email.

Click on the individual owners below to see a list of the works in their possession.

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Marianne Ahnme

Johan Aminoff

Gittan Aronson

Magnus Aronson

Susanna Aronson

Birger Holmer

Gunnar Holmer

Stellan Holmer

Carl Jägersten

Christina Jägersten

Matilda Jägersten

Johanna Wieslander

The dimensions of the artwork might not be exact, despite the fact that they are written with two decimal places. In the case of framed work, the measurements refer to the visible part of the painting.

In terms of colour and contrast, etc, the pictures may not accurately represent the actual works. The accuracy varies from image to image.

For the sake of clarity, I have only mentioned one person as owner of each piece. In most cases, this person is a relative to the artist. In reality, however, the works may be jointly owned by the mentioned person and her or his spouse.

The titles are invented by me, as the paintings and drawings usually have no official names. In few cases the titles—or, what could be interpreted as titles—are written on the work. When a painting is named "Great Grandmother", it is my great grandmother.

Magnus Aronson

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